董振斌,李义容,李海思.考虑风电功率与需求响应不确定性的备用容量配置[J].电力需求侧管理,2017,19(1):29-34, 44
Reserve capacity configuration considering uncertainty of wind power and demand response
中文关键词: 风电  备用配置  可中断负荷  不确定性  可靠性
英文关键词: wind power  reserve configuration  interruptible load  uncertainty  reliability
董振斌 国网江苏省电力公司南京 210024 
李义容 国网江苏省电力公司 检修分公司南京 210019 
李海思 东南大学 电气工程学院南京 210096 
摘要点击次数: 6752
全文下载次数: 1660
      In this paper, wind power is modeled as a multi state generator, and the uncertainty of wind power prediction error is simulated by wind power outage rate.Based on the model of the interruptible load response based on the consumer psychology, this paper comprehensively evaluated the reliability index of the system which contains wind power and the uncertainty of the interruptible load.In this paper, a model for the coordination and optimization of the former days is set up.In order to meet the reliability of certain power supply, the optimization model can optimize the interruptible load and generator reserve capacity simultaneously.And in the 24 period of time, the positive effect of the interruptible load as a spare resource is studied under the condition of wind power uncertainty.Simulation results show that the demand of interruptible load for the system can be increased because of the need to stabilize the fluctuations of wind power after the introduction of wind power.As a kind of flexible control method, the interrupt load has positive significance in dealing with the uncertainty of wind power and reducing the operating cost of the system.
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