Household energy efficiency management and optimal dispatch base on demand response
中文关键词: 家庭能效  分布式光伏  电池储能  电池寿命  优化用电?
英文关键词: household energy efficiency  distributed photovoltaic generation  battery energy storage  battery life  optimized power utilization
王尉杰 河海大学 能源与电气学院南京 211100 
刘皓明 河海大学 能源与电气学院南京 211100 
杨志豪 河海大学 能源与电气学院南京 211100 
薛金花 中国电力科学研究院南京 210003 
叶季蕾 中国电力科学研究院南京 210003 
摘要点击次数: 1548
全文下载次数: 1264
      With the rapid pace of economic development, electric power consumption of home users is increasing year by year, which also accounts for a big part in total social power consumption.Hence, it is significant to conduct researches on optimal control of different types of household loads, so that electricity expense of home users can be reduced.In this paper, a control strategy of household energy efficiency management system is proposed, and mathematical models of four different types of household loads are established, including adjustable loads, transferrable loads, interruptible loads and reducible loads.Meanwhile, charging and discharging power model and capacity model of battery energy storage are formulated respectively, considering its life cycle.And optimal control of demand response resources are carried out based on time-of-use price and distributed roof photovoltaic generation.Finally, a numerical example is studied, which demonstrates that the electricity expense of a home user can be reduced remarkably through the proposed optimal control strategy, and the utilization of the distributed PV generation can be improved.
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