Optimal release strategy of demand side management demonstration project information based on herd behavior
投稿时间:2017-03-16  修订日期:2017-04-24
中文关键词: 羊群效应  需求侧管理  示范信息  最优策略
英文关键词: herd behaviour  demand side management  demonstration information  optimization strategy
曹昉 华北电力大学北京 102206 
孙畅 华北电力大学北京 102206 
王科 南方电网科学研究院广州 510080 
孙宇军 南方电网科学研究院广州 510080 
摘要点击次数: 2788
全文下载次数: 1780
      When DSM technology is porpularing, the development of the demonstration projects and the release of relevant demonstrative information can increase the users’ acquaintance for the technology and provide information to decide wheather to accept and participate in the technology.Firstly, individual power comsumer’s behavior was studied by herd behavior.Based on Bayes rule, the relationship between the individual followingup behavior and the demonstration information was explained.The consumers’ decision making process in accrodance with the demonstration information was simulated, and the relationship between investors’ following-up behaviors and the level of detail of the demonstration information was analyzed.Then aiming at user group, the influence of the content of demonstration information on the degree of following-up behavior was proposed, which was utilized to establish optimal release strategy of demonstration information to ensure the best response of the user group.At last, simulation results showed that the effect of demonstration information was indeed affected by its content, which proved that the model was correct and effective.
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