Configuration optimization of wind.solar.storage system in microgrid based on GSA
投稿时间:2017-06-09  修订日期:2017-07-25
中文关键词: 配电网  电压越界  分布式光伏  电压灵敏度  差分进化算法  光伏输出模式
英文关键词: distribution network  voltage violation  distribut.ed PV generation  voltage sensitivity  differential evolution algo.rithm  PV output mode
赫卫国 中国电力科学研究院南京 210003 
程军照 云南电网有限责任公司电网规划研究中心昆明 650011 
王文玺 云南电网有限责任公司电网规划研究中心昆明 650011 
翟晶晶 南京工程学院南京 211167 
摘要点击次数: 1594
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      对含高渗透分布式光伏发电的配电网电压越限问题,可充分利用并网光伏逆变器的无功调压能力。提出 2种接入中低压配电网的分布式光伏发电的输出电压调节策略,第 1种策略基于各光伏发电接入节点的电压 -功率灵敏度,根据电压越界程度选择灵敏度大的光伏发电节点,调整其无功输出,当仍不能满足电压要求时,部分场景可以继续调整其有功输出;第 2种策略以有功网损最小为目标,对配电网中各分布式光伏发电的无功和有功出力进行优化,在保证电压越界得到有效调节的同时,实现配电网经济运行。通过 IEEE 33节点系统进行两种场景的模拟,验证分析了 2种策略的有效性。
      In order to improve the situation of voltage viola.tion in distribution network with high penetration distributed photo.voltaic(PV)system, it is possible to fully utilize the reactive powerregulation ability of grid.connected PV inverter.This paper proposestwo kinds of strategies on distributed PV generation output regula.tion for node voltage violation of medium.low voltage level distribu.tion network.For the first method, each PV node’s voltage sensitivi.ty to its injected reactive power and active power is obtained usingdisturbance.observation method.The available reactive power out.put of the most effective PV access node is calculated and when itsreactive power is not sufficient, its active power is able to regulate.For the second method, aiming at both regulating voltage violationand minimizing the grid active power loss, the reactive power and ac.tive power of all the PV generation systems are optimized from theperspective of global optimization.Through the simulation of IEEE33 nodes distribution network under two typical kinds of operationscenarios, in comparison with the voltage reactive power active pow.er PV output mode, the validity of both methods are proved.
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