Regulation method of voltage limits violation in distribution network withdistributed photovoltaic generation
中文关键词: 蓄能互联热泵系统  清洁供暖  节能减排  暖气片采暖改造
英文关键词: energy storage interconnected heat pump sys.tem  clean heating  energy saving and emission reduction  radiatorheating transformation
周珏 国网江苏电力需求侧管理指导中心有限公司南京 210019 
罗凡 国网甘肃省电力公司兰州 730050 
罗庚玉 法凯涞玛冷暖设备杭州有限公司杭州 310007 
陈建平 法凯涞玛冷暖设备杭州有限公司杭州 310007 
余承霖 法凯涞玛冷暖设备杭州有限公司杭州 310007 
周强 国网江苏省节能服务公司南京 210019 
摘要点击次数: 1516
全文下载次数: 13
      目前国家大气污染治理工作背景下,针对我国严寒地区及寒冷地区无法使用水地源热泵或地埋管热泵问题,以及使用空气源热泵存在能效比低、故障率高等问题,提出蓄能互联热泵系统清洁采暖方案,通过综合技术创新突破单一技术运用的客观限制,打造“不打井、不做地埋管”的水 -水热泵系统,使得常规空气源热泵的使用边界扩大、稳定性增强、投资减少、故障率降低,并且能够在暖气片供暖系统改造中稳定提供 60 ℃热水。以国网兰州建西变电站家属楼暖气片改造项目为例,进行了方案设计、设备选型和运行效果分析,验证了蓄联热泵系统的可靠性、经济性。
      Under the background of national air .pollutioncontrol, aiming at the cold area that can not use heat pump or watersource heat pump of buried pipe and low energy efficiency ratio andhigher failure rate of the use of air source heat pump,the energy stor.age heat pump system interconnection clean heating scheme is putforward, which break through the objective limit of single the use oftechnology through the comprehensive technical innovation, in orderto create" no well, no water heat pump system of buried tube".Theconventional air source heat pump utility boundary is expanded andthe stability is enhanced.The investmentis failure rate are reduced,which can provide stability in the transformation of the radiator heat.ing system in hot water 60 degrees.Taking the heating house recon.struction project of the family building in Lanzhou West substationas an example, the scheme design, equipment selection and opera.tion effect analysis are carried out, and the reliability and economyof the heat pump system are verified.
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