Program of large⁃scale mid⁃voltage feeders’loss⁃reduce reconstruction based on cluster analysis and improved ordinal relationship method
投稿时间:2018-04-04  修订日期:2018-06-15
中文关键词: 配电网降损改造  模糊聚类  改进序关系法
英文关键词: loss-reduce reconstruction in distribution network  fuzzy clustering  improved ordinal relationship method
王鑫 华南理工大学电力学院广州510640 
欧阳森 华南理工大学电力学院广州510640 
摘要点击次数: 2331
全文下载次数: 8
      中压馈线数量庞大,现有的降损改造方案难以有效筛选主要的降损因素及分析馈线降损改造的优先级。提出一种基于模糊C均值聚类和改进序关系法的大规模中压馈线降损改造方案。该方案通过分析影响馈线线损的因素,筛选降损改造的指标体系并设置各指标的评价函数。根据馈线各项指标评价值的聚类结果,以及改进序关系法确定的各评价指标的权重大小,得到各类馈线的各项降损改造指标评价值,及降损改造综合评价值,从而确定降损改造方案的优先顺序。某市供电局的861条10 kV馈线的实例分析以及与2种现有改造方法的比较,验证了本方案的有效性。
      It’s difficult to screen the main loss-reduce factors effectively and analyze the urgency of the reconstruction with a large number of mid-voltage feeders. In this case, a program of large-scale mid-voltage feeders’loss-reduce reconstruction is provided based on clustering analysis and improved ordinal relationship method. Firstly, considering the factors which affect the feeder loss, an index system and its evaluation function are established to evaluate the priority of loss-reduce construction. Then, fuzzy Cmeans clustering is performed on mid-voltage feeders according to the evaluation indexes of each feeder, and the weights of each clustering index is determined by improved ordinal relationship method. Thus, the comprehensive evaluation value of the loss-reduce reconstruction of all kinds of feeders is calculated, as well as the priorities of the schemes. The case of 861 10kV feeders in a city power supply bureau is analyzed and compared with other 2 modification schemes, which verifies the effectiveness of the proposed scheme.
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