罗跃挺,夏利波.一种基于高效LED 灯的道路照明系统改造方案[J].电力需求侧管理,2018,20(5):25-27
一种基于高效LED 灯的道路照明系统改造方案
A road lighting transformation scheme based on high efficiency LED lights
投稿时间:2018-06-18  修订日期:2018-08-03
中文关键词: 节能环保  道路照明系统  合同能源管理  经济效益共享
英文关键词: energy saving and environmental protection  road lighting system  energy management contracting  economic benefits sharing
罗跃挺 国网舟山供电公司浙江舟山316000 
夏利波 国网舟山供电公司浙江舟山316000 
摘要点击次数: 2015
全文下载次数: 1326
      The road lighting system with high pressure sodium lamp as the main body is researched and reconstructed, and a new lighting renovation scheme based on the energy management contracting(EMC)mode with high efficiency LED lamps is put forward. The working principle of LED lights driving power supply is introduced, the advantages of the EMC mode of the contract is analyzed, the scheme of road lighting renovation is explained, and the effect of the implementation is expounded. This scheme realizes the effect of zero input and energy saving and environmental protection of the user’s transformation process. At the same time, it also realizes the goal of the energy saving service company’s allocation of resources to increase the income, and makes both sides share the economic benefits brought by the electric energy saving.
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