Technical and economic analysis of user side energy storage equipment participating in power grid ancillary services
投稿时间:2018-07-04  修订日期:2018-12-11
中文关键词: 分布式储能设备  需求响应  辅助服务  技术经济性分析
英文关键词: distributed energy storage equipment  demand response  ancillary services  techno.economic analysis
基金项目:国家电网2017 年科技项目(SGJS0000YXJS1700354)
曹敏 国网陕西省电力公司西安710048 
徐杰彦 国网(北京)节能设计研究院有限公司北京100052 
巨健 国网陕西省电力公司西安710048 
谢婷 国网(北京)节能设计研究院有限公司北京100052 
朱婧 国网(北京)节能设计研究院有限公司北京100052 
肖宝辉 国网(北京)节能设计研究院有限公司北京100052 
席雅雯 北京交通大学电气工程学院北京100044 
摘要点击次数: 3928
全文下载次数: 1059
      随着电力体制改革的深入,电力需求侧管理的成熟,储能产业的快速发展,国家和政府出台了相应的政策,积极鼓励分布式储能设备充分利用需求响应资源,主动参与电网的削峰填谷、调频、旋转备用、黑启动及需求响应等辅助服务。针对目前用户侧储能资源闲置、分布式储能设备没有得到充分利用的问题,结合用户侧典型储能设备参与电网削峰填谷及调频辅助服务的技术经济性算例分析,充分考虑陕西电网的实际情况及其用户侧储能的发展现状,在科学性和可行性相结合的原则下,为促使更多的用户侧储能参与电网削峰填谷及调频辅助服务,从完善现有电价制度、消纳可再生能源和加大政府补贴力度3个方面提出相关建议,推动陕西省 加快建设辅助服务市场,带动储能产业快速发展。
      With the deepening of the power system reform,the maturity of power demand side management, and the rapid development of the energy storage industry, the state and the government have introduced corresponding policies, actively encouraging distributed energy storage equipment to fully utilize demand response resources, and participate in auxiliary services such as peak clipping, valley filling, frequency regulation, spinning reserve, black start and demand response. In view of the current problem that the user side energy storage resources are idle and the distributed energy storage equipment is not fully utilized, the technical and economic examples of the typical energy storage equipment of the user side participating in the power grid peakcutting and frequency.adjusting service are analyzed. Then, considering the actual situation of Shaanxi power grid and the development status of energy storage on the user side, the scientific and practical suggestions for improving the existing electricity price system, eliminating renewable energy and increasing government subsidies are proposed. These suggestions will encourage more energy storage users to participate in auxiliary services such as peak load shifting and frequency regulation, and promote the construction of the auxiliary service market in Shaanxi Province and the rapid development of the energy storage industry.
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