Research on sliding mode control strategy of aggregate electric water heaters of urban users for wind power consumption
中文关键词: 风电消纳  电热水器负荷群  滑模控制策略
英文关键词: wind power accommodation  aggregate electric water heatingload  slidingmodecontrolstrategy
宋崇明 北京华建网源电力设计研究院有限公司北京 102209 
田雪沁 北京华建网源电力设计研究院有限公司北京 102209 
徐彤 北京华建网源电力设计研究院有限公司北京 102209 
刘瀚涛 河海大学 能源与电气学院南京 211100 
谢俊 河海大学 能源与电气学院南京 211100 
王新雷 北京华建网源电力设计研究院有限公司北京 102209 
摘要点击次数: 2259
全文下载次数: 1138
      Residential electric water heater is a typical thermal energy storage load. The hot water generated by electricity has the thermal storage property, which can consume fluctuating wind power. The load group sliding mode control strategy of electric water heater for absorbing wind power is proposed to control the load group of electric water heater in real time. The control rate is related to the number of electric water heaters and the use of hot water,and has strong robustness for absorbing wind power. A simulation on the load group of electric water heater in a residential area shows that the proposed group sliding mode control strategy of electric water heater can effectively absorb the wind power, which verifies the effectiveness of the load group sliding mode control strategy of electric water heater.
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