Research on environmental adaptive dispatching scheme of home energy management system based on dynamic decision and real ⁃ time correction
中文关键词: 智能电网  家庭能量管理系统  环境适应型  动态决策  实时修正
英文关键词: smart grid  HEMS  environmental adaptative  dynamicdecision  real⁃timecorrection
马汉杰 青岛大学 电气工程学院青岛 266071 
撖奥洋 青岛供电公司青岛 266002 
张智晟 青岛大学 电气工程学院青岛 266071 
摘要点击次数: 1946
全文下载次数: 1130
      在智能电网发展的背景下,旨在满足用户节电要求及配合电网需求响应的家庭能量管理系统(home energymanage system, HEMS)应运而生。针对基于整体优化方法的传统HEMS静态调度无法灵活地适应外部环境动态变化的问题,建立HEMS基本结构,提出基于动态决策实时修正的家庭能量管理系统环境适应型调度方案。在日前整体优化调度计划的基础上,根据实时采集的电价、气温、光伏出力等信息判别时段环境状态,利用动态决策模型对调度计划进行实时修正,给出符合实际需求的环境适应型调度方案。经试验仿真,该方案可在动态调度中做出符合用户需求的最佳决策,既继承了传统HEMS调度的优越经济性,又能适应动态变化较大的实际环境。
      In the context of the development of smart grids, a home energy management system(HEMS)designed to meet users’energy saving requirements and respond to grid demand response has emerged. For the traditional HEMS static scheduling based on the overall optimization method can not flexibly adapt to the dynamic changes of the external environment, the basic structure of the HEMS is established, and a real?time adaptive dynamic schedulingbased home energy management system environment adaptive scheduling scheme is proposed. On the basis of the overall optimized dispatching plan, according to the real time collected information such as electricity price, air temperature, and photovoltaic output,the environmental status of the period is determined. The dynamic decision model is used to modify the dispatching plan in real time,and an environmental adaptive dispatching plan that meets actual needs is provided. Verified by simulation, this scheme can make the best decision meeting the users’needs in dynamic dispatching, inheriting the superior economics of traditional HEMS dispatching,andadaptingtothedynamicenvironmentwithlargechange.
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