王文静,于立涛,撖奥洋,张智晟.基于MOABC 算法的冷热电联供系统优化调度研究[J].电力需求侧管理,2019,21(4):48-53
基于MOABC 算法的冷热电联供系统优化调度研究
Research on optimal scheduling of combined cooling, heating and power system based on MOABC algorithm
投稿时间:2019-05-05  修订日期:2019-05-29
中文关键词: 综合能源系统  冷热电联供  Pareto理论  多目标蜂群算法  优化调度
英文关键词: integrated energy system  combined cooling,heating and power  Pareto theory  multi⁃objective artificial bee colony  optimized scheduling
王文静 青岛大学电气工程学院山东青岛266071 
于立涛 国网青岛供电公司山东青岛266002 
撖奥洋 国网青岛供电公司山东青岛266002 
张智晟 青岛大学电气工程学院山东青岛266071 
摘要点击次数: 1885
全文下载次数: 1056
      The integrated energy system contains a variety of distributed energy sources,each of which complement seach other,effectively improves energy utilization, and has significant advantages in terms of economy and environmental protection. As an important supplement to the integrated energy system, the combined cooling,heating and power system has the advantages of flexibility, reliability and high efficiency,and is now widely developed and valued.Considering the power generation characteristics of each micro-source and the demand of cold and heat load, a multi-objective cogeneration system model including fuel cell, micro-combustion engine, waste heat boiler, absorption chiller and energy storage device is established.The model considers the impact of time-of-use electricity price on micro-grid system. Taking economic cost and environmental cost as the objective function,a multi-target bee colony algorithm based on Pare-to theory is proposed as the model solving algorithm. The actual cooling and power supply system is used as an example to verify the effectiveness of the proposed model, and compared with the multi?objective particle swarm optimization algorithm. The results show that the multi?target bee colony algorithm based on Pareto theory can be more effective,and reduce economic and environmental costs.
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