Electric vehicle energy management strategies for renewable energy consumption / load smoothing
投稿时间:2019-05-16  修订日期:2019-06-28
中文关键词: 分布式新能源  电动汽车  负荷模型  能源消纳  负荷平抑
英文关键词: distributed new energy  EV  load model  energy consumption  load leveling
刘其辉 华北电力大学北京102206 
余培 华北电力大学北京102206 
祝培鑫 国网山东省电力公司烟台供电公司山东烟台264001 
摘要点击次数: 2359
全文下载次数: 1191
      The orderly energy management of distributed new energy and electric vehicle(EV)in distribution network is studied.The probability distribution of distributed wind and solar are analyzed, and the wind and solar equivalent load model is established by probabilistic method. The electric vehicle load modely based on random travel simulation is analyzed, and the method of establishing the travel feature quantity is refined and improved. The three layer energy management model of the EV is constructed, the duties and division of the network side dispatching center and the charging service provider are clarified, the energy management strategy of tight coupling and loose coupling is proposed. The simulation results show that the energy management model proposed could effectively promote new energy consumption and load stagnation, realize new energy consumption/load stagnation on the distribution network, and the guidance and self?regulation of EV in the area under the jurisdiction of the demand of the charging service provider could be accepted.
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