Assessment of the power supply potential of fully clean energy for provincial power systems
投稿时间:2019-05-25  修订日期:2019-06-08
中文关键词: 清洁能源  供电潜力  运行模拟  评估指标
英文关键词: clean energy  supply potential  operation simulation  evaluation index
周磊 西安交通大学电气工程学院西安710049 
李楠 国网青海省电力公司经济技术研究院西宁810008 
刘飞 国网青海省电力公司经济技术研究院西宁810008 
田旭 国网青海省电力公司经济技术研究院西宁810008 
王建学 西安交通大学电气工程学院西安710049 
摘要点击次数: 1598
全文下载次数: 872
      Promoting green, low carbon and environmental protection of power and energy is the key to future energy construction and solving a series of global environmental problems. Firstly,aiming at the problem of clean energy supply potential assessment,the impact of clean energy on power system operation and the core factors that restrict the development of clean energy are analyzed.Then, based on the assessment of clean energy supply potential, a power system operation simulation method for multi type power supply coordination and interaction in wide area spare time scales is stuided, and a specific evaluation index system for clean energy supply potential is constructed. On this basis, taking the actual power system of a province in China as an example, the potential of clean energy supply under different evaluation dimensions is compared and analyzed. The analysis results show that the method can be effectively applied to the assessment of the power supply potential of clean energy in the provincial power system.
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