Two⁃layer optimal charging control for electric vehicles in smart grids
投稿时间:2019-07-16  修订日期:2019-07-20
中文关键词: 插电式混合动力汽车  多目标优化  需求侧管理  动态资源分配
英文关键词: plug⁃in hybrid vehicle  multi⁃objective optimiza⁃tion  demand side management  dynamic resource allocation
白云霄 广东电网有限责任公司电力调度控制中心广州510000 
刘思捷 广东电网有限责任公司电力调度控制中心广州510000 
钱峰 广东电网有限责任公司电力调度控制中心广州510000 
刘俊磊 广东电网有限责任公司电力调度控制中心广州510000 
鲍威 浙江大学电气工程学院杭州310058 
摘要点击次数: 1496
全文下载次数: 725
      大量、无序的插电式混合动力汽车(plug in hybridelectric vehicle, PHEV)接入电网,会造成高峰时段电网变压器过热、过载,导致跳闸甚至大面积停电。因此电动汽车的协调充电问题是电网中一个研究热点和难点。文章首先将插电式混合动力汽车协调充电问题定义为带约束条件的优化问题,然后提出一种双层最优充电策略对该优化问题进行求解。在第一层基于需求侧管理对电网低压变压器(low voltage transformers, LVTs)的负荷曲线进行扁平化平滑优化;在第二层基于一致性迭代算法,使插电式混合动力汽车用户的总体充电成本达到最小并同时满足用户的充电需求。所提充电策略既保持了电网变压器供电负荷曲线波动最小,又实现了每个电动汽车用户的充电成本最小,满足了用户的充电需求。
      A large number of disordered plug in hybrid vehicles(PHEVs)are connected to the power grid, which will cause overheating and overload of the power grid transformer during peak hours, resulting in tripping or even large scale power outages.Therefore, the problem of coordinated charging of electric vehicles is a research hotspot and difficulty in the power grid. The problem of coordinated charging of plug in hybrid vehicles is firstly described as an optimization problem with constraints. Then a two layer optimal charging strategy is proposed to solve the optimization problem. In the first layer, the load curve of the low voltage trans formers(LVTs)of the grid is flattened and smoothed based on the demand side management;the second layer is based on the consistent iterative algorithm to make the overall charging of the plug inhybrid vehicle users. The cost is minimized while meeting the user’s charging needs. The proposed optimal charging strategy not only keeps the fluctuation of the power supply load curve of the power grid transformer to the minimum, but also realizes the minimum charging cost of each electric vehicle user and meets the charging demand of the user.
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