陈海娜,谭 毅,陈 璐,周 翔.基于“臻享+”产品的高压增值服务体系[J].电力需求侧管理,2019,21(S1):72-74
Design of high voltage value-added service system based on“Enjoy +”product
投稿时间:2018-08-10  修订日期:2019-09-10
DOI:10. 3969 / j. issn. 1009-1831. 2019. S1. 021
中文关键词: 星级模型  差异化服务  臻享+  企业客户
英文关键词: star -hierarchical model  differentiated service  Enjoy +  enterprise customer
陈海娜 国网浙江省电力公司杭州 310000 
谭 毅 国网浙江省电力公司杭州 310000 
陈 璐 佰聆数据股份有限公司杭州 310000 
周 翔 国网浙江青田县供电有限公司浙江 丽水 323900 
摘要点击次数: 232
全文下载次数: 287
      With the rising of large-scale‘Internet+’service industry, people’s lifestyle has been greatly changed, showing its characteristics of convenience, interactivity, real -time and accuracy. Traditional services have shifted from offline to online, and from extensive services to personalized services supported by big data. In the process of electricity market, the foothold of the survival and long -term development of electric power enterprises is the high quality customer service. Based on the analysis of customer characteristics of enterprises, Enjoy Plus product provides differentiated services for customers, making the traditional service mobile, fine and universal, and improving the efficiency of enterprise customer service.
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