邹 薇,万 灿,刘谋海.售电侧放开下市场化客户关系业务功能研究与设计[J].电力需求侧管理,2020,22(1):92-96
Research and design of market⁃oriented customer relationship business function under the opening of electricity market
DOI:DOI:10. 3969 / j. issn. 1009-1831. 2020. 01. 018
中文关键词: 营销服务  售电公司  归属关系  系统设计
英文关键词: marketing business  electricity selling compa⁃nies  ownership  system design
邹 薇 国网湖南供电服务中心,长沙 410082 
万 灿 国网湖南供电服务中心,长沙 410082 
刘谋海 国网湖南供电服务中心,长沙 410082 
摘要点击次数: 2007
全文下载次数: 819
      A new round of electric power system reform is underway with the release of“Several opinions on further deepening the reform of the electric power system”and its supporting documents. The new reform will liberalize the electricity selling market and encourage social capital to establish electricity selling company. Those companies can buy electricity from power generation companies and sell electricity to users. As a traditional power supply service provider and power seller, it is the responsibility and obligation for grid companies to provide efficient and convenient services to all power selling entities, promote market competition and ensure the smooth progress of power reform. In order to better implement the document requirements, the functional requirements analysis of market oriented customer relationship business in the market based electricity power selling system is analyzed,the business, application and data architecture of the platform are introduced. It is believed that the technical supports have been provided in terms of setting up electricity selling company files and relations between power users and electricity selling companies.
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