吴志明,胡 维,杨天蒙,王 涵.含高渗透率光伏发电/蓄电池的电力系统协调优化运行研究[J].电力需求侧管理,2020,22(2):21-27
Research on optimal operation of power system with high⁃penetration photovoltaics / battery
投稿时间:2019-11-27  修订日期:2019-12-02
DOI:DOI:10.3969 / j. issn. 1009-1831. 2020. 02. 004
中文关键词: 光伏发电  蓄电池  协调优化模型
英文关键词: photovoltaic power generation  battery  coordi⁃nated optimization model
吴志明 国网四川省电力公司 成都市青白江供电分公司成都 610399 
胡 维 国网四川省电力公司 成都市青白江供电分公司成都 610399 
杨天蒙 国网辽宁省电力有限公司 经济技术研究院沈阳 110015 
王 涵 国网四川省电力公司 成都市青白江供电分公司成都 610399 
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      针对含高渗透率光伏发电/蓄电池的电力系统优化运行问题,建立了电力系统协调优化模型。首先建立光伏发电出力模型,通过Wasserstein距离指标对光伏发电出力的连续概率分布进行最优离散计算,提出基于哈夫曼树的变权值Kmeans 聚类算法对全场景进行聚类分析,得到了光伏发电典型出力场景。引入了考虑蓄电池折旧成本影响的蓄电池简化动力电池模型模型。综合考虑燃料成本、启停成本、排污成本及弃光量,以联合发电系统各供能主体的综合运行成本与弃光量最小为目标,建立了含高渗透率光伏发电/蓄电池的电力系统的协调运行优化模型,所提出模型能够最大程度上提高系统对光伏发电的接纳能力以及电力系统运行经济性、可靠性。最后应用提出的模型对一个测试系统进行仿真分析,结果验证了模型的适用性和有效性。
      Faced with the optimal operation problem of power system with highpenetration photovoltaics / battery, a coordinated optimization model for power system is established. Firstly, the power output model for photovoltaic system is established, in which the Wasserstein distance is used to calculate the continuous probability distribution of the photovoltaic power output. A variable weighted K means clustering algorithm based on Huffman tree is proposed to cluster the whole photovoltaic scenarios, and the typical photovoltaic power generation scenarios is obtained. Besides that, the simplified kinetic battery model is introduced,which takes into account the depreciation cost of battery. Considering the fuel cost, the startstop cost, the emission cost and the abandoned light, the coordinated optimization model for power systemwith high penetration photovoltaics / battery is established.The model can improve both the capacity of photovoltaic power utilization and the economical and reliable operation of power system in the maximum extent. Finally, a test system is simulated and analyzed by the proposed model, and the results verify the applicability and effectiveness of the model.
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