卢 奕,张凯翔.浙江中高端小区取暖系统的对比分析[J].电力需求侧管理,2020,22(3):48-50
Analysis and application of heating systems in middle and high⁃end residential quarters in Zhejiang
投稿时间:2020-01-10  修订日期:2020-03-31
DOI:DOI:10.3969 / j. issn. 1009-1831. 2020. 03. 010
中文关键词: 燃气锅炉  空气源热泵电采暖  地源热泵电采暖  经济成本  节能环保
英文关键词: gas fired boiler  air source heat pump electric heating  ground source heat pump electric heating  economic cost  energy saving and environmental protection
卢 奕 国网金华供电公司,浙江 金华 321000 
张凯翔 浙江省浙石油综合能源销售有限公司 金华分公司,浙江 金华 321000 
摘要点击次数: 1835
全文下载次数: 699
      Taking the heating system of a middle and high end residential areas in Zhejiang as an example, the significance of clean energy replacing traditional energy is expounded from three aspects:national policy, geographical environment, economy and society. The gas boiler heating, air source heat pump electric heating and ground source heat pump electric heating are compared in detail. The initial investment cost, facility operation cost, main equipment performance and social economic benefits are analyzed in detail. It provides references for the choice of a suitable heating method for ordinary residents, and also provides references for the selection of ground source heat pump electric heating for residents in the middle and highend communities. In the end, the goal of reducing costs, increasing efficiency, saving energy, and protecting the environment is achieved.
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