别 佩,王浩浩,王 一,张 妍,段秦刚,辜唯朕,陈启鑫.面向不同竞价机制的电力市场博弈均衡分析[J].电力需求侧管理,2020,22(4):02-07
Game equilibrium analysis on electricity market orienting different bidding mechanisms
投稿时间:2020-01-07  修订日期:2020-04-24
DOI:DOI:10. 3969 / j. issn. 1009-1831. 2020. 04. 002
中文关键词: 价差出清机制  全电价出清机制  电力市场  竞价机制  双层模型  均衡分析
英文关键词: relative price mechanism  absolute price mechanism  electricity market  price mechanism  bi-level model  equilibrium analysis
别 佩 广东电力交易中心有限责任公司广州 510030 
王浩浩 广东电力交易中心有限责任公司广州 510030 
王 一 广东电力交易中心有限责任公司广州 510030 
张 妍 清华大学 电机系北京 100084 
段秦刚 广东电力交易中心有限责任公司广州 510030 
辜唯朕 清华大学 电机系北京 100084 
陈启鑫 清华大学 电机系北京 100084 
摘要点击次数: 2407
全文下载次数: 852
      China is in an important stage of electricity market reform. The design of price mechanism in electricity market is one of the core issues of market deregulation. For the bidding mechanism problem which is one of the price mechanism problems, the influence of relative price mechanism and absolute price mechanism on the equilibrium of electricity market is studied.Firstly, a bilevel model is established to simulate the game behaviors in the oligopoly power market under different pricing mechanisms. Subsequently, the model is solved by utilizing the optimality conditions. Finally, based on the case of Guangdong province,scenarios with strategic bidding and without strategic bidding are analyzed. It is found that the relative price mechanism leads to the distortion of unit cost and the increase of generation cost. Compared with the absolute price mechanism, the relative price mechanism can avoid the phenomenon of“free ride”, reduce the demand cost, and inhibit the abusing of market power by strategic generator to some extent.
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