郄双源,杨 迪,王 鹏,郭平平,姜庆国,陈 晨.增量配电业务改革背景下配售电公司的需求响应策略研究[J].电力需求侧管理,2020,22(4):19-24
Research on demand response strategy of power distribution and sale companies under the background of incremental power distribution business reform
投稿时间:2020-02-11  修订日期:2020-05-24
DOI:DOI:10. 3969 / j. issn. 1009-1831. 2020. 04. 005
中文关键词: 配售电公司  需求响应  分时电价  零售电套餐  削峰补偿
英文关键词: power distribution and sale company  demand response  time⁃of⁃use electricity price  retail power package  peak⁃cut compensation
郄双源 中电联 工业领域电力需求侧管理促进中心北京 100055华北电力大学 电气与电子工程学院北京 102206 
杨 迪 中电联 工业领域电力需求侧管理促进中心北京 100055 
王 鹏 华北电力大学 电气与电子工程学院北京 102206 
郭平平 中电联 工业领域电力需求侧管理促进中心北京 100055 
姜庆国 华北电力大学 电气与电子工程学院北京 102206 
陈 晨 中电联 工业领域电力需求侧管理促进中心北京 100055 
摘要点击次数: 1935
全文下载次数: 703
      With the continuous advancement of incremental power distribution business reform, a large number of park pilots are entering the stage of implementation and grid-connected operation. From two aspects, strategic recommendations for power distribution companies to fully mobilize demandside response resources are provided. Firstly, in order to absorb local distributed energy inside, time-of-use price signals are used to guide users to adjust production plans. Based on the net load curve of the park pilots and seasonal production characteristics of industrial users, the peak-to-valley time and implementation cycle are arranged. Then conduct separate research and simulation operations for industrial users who intend to implement time-of-use electricity prices, and customize personalized time-of-use retail power packages for them.Secondly, in order to avoid price risks in a certain period of time in the future power spot market outside, a peak-cutting bidding model suitable for industrial and commercial users of park pilots is established. And a credit assessment link is added, and peak-cut com-pensation fees are paid based on the user’s performance credit coefficient and real-time response. In the end, an example is used to verify the feasibility of the proposed method model, and it can effectively guide users to cut peaks and fill valleys while saving corporate electricity expenses.
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