Strategy for multivariate thermostatically controlled load group regulation and wind power absorption based on fuzzy theory
投稿时间:2019-11-12  修订日期:2020-04-07
DOI:DOI:10. 3969 / j. issn. 1009-1831. 2020. 04. 016
中文关键词: 电网平衡调节  温控负荷  联合调控  模糊隶属
英文关键词: balance regulation of power grid  thermostatically controlled load  collaborative control  fuzzy membership
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      需求侧资源在电网的供需平衡调节中起到了越来越重要的作用,以温控负荷为例,研究了多元负荷的联合调控方法。首先,针对电热水器和空调负荷的用户用电差异化约束,提出了基于模糊隶属模型的归一化约束评价方法;其次,基于模糊隶属评价方法,构建了多元温控负荷集群调控潜力模型,并提出电热水器与空调负荷联合调控的协同方法;最 后,将所提协同控制方法用于风电消纳场景,实现了负荷精准控制。算例表明,所提方法能够在照顾到用户满意度的基础上,实现调控的均衡化与公平化,并达到良好的消纳效果。
      Demand side resources have been increasingly important in the regulation of supply-demand balance of power grid.Taking thermostatically controlled load(TCL)as an example, combination control methods of several kinds of load are researched.Firstly, according to the user’s electricity differential constraints of electric water heaters(EWHs)and air conditioners(ACs), a normalized constraints evaluation method based on fuzzy membership model is proposed. Then, a potential model of multi -TCLs cluster regulation is constructed, and a collaborative regulation method combining EWHs and ACs is proposed. Lastly, the proposed collaborative control method is applied to wind power absorption scenarios to achieve accurate load control. The simulation results verified that the proposed method can get the balance and fairness of control, and also achieve good absorption effect on the basis of taking account of users’power-using satisfaction.
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