Research on optimal dispatching and energy consumption mode of integrated energy microgrid management system
投稿时间:2020-07-25  修订日期:2020-08-24
DOI:10. 3969 / j. issn. 1009-1831. 2020. 05. 004
中文关键词: 综合能源微电网管理系统  能量优化调度  电力能耗  监测管理  用电行为
英文关键词: integrated energy microgrid management system  energy optimal dispatch  power consumption  monitoring management  electricity behavior
黄海清 扬中市供电公司江苏 扬中 212200 
周健 扬中市供电公司江苏 扬中 212200 
董亚文 扬中市供电公司江苏 扬中 212200 
朱国义 扬中市路灯管理所江苏 扬中 212200 
摘要点击次数: 1641
全文下载次数: 750
      The efficient operation of the integrated energy microgrid can not only improve energy utilization, but also promote the industrialization and large scale development of renewable clean energy, and realize the multi-energy complementation and mutual coordination of energy systems. Taking the comprehensive building of the Yangzhong Intelligent Electric Research Center of North China Electric Power University as a practical application example, the structure of the integrated energy microgrid management system and electrical grid connection of the research center are analyzed on the basis of local geographic location, climatic conditions and environmental conditions;a photovoltaic power generation system model and an energy optimal dispatch model is established; and the power consumption pattern and user behavior characteristics of the research center is analyzed based on the integrated energy microgrid system monitoring and management platform to achieve better energy management. The integrated energy microgrid management system can save users’daily power purchase costs, and its power consumption online monitoring and management platform can establish a scientific and standardized energy consumption statistical work system, and promote the intelligent power consumption monitoring and management.
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