Analysis of current situation of energy and electricity consumption and prediction of energy efficiency development during the 14th five⁃year plan
投稿时间:2020-06-15  修订日期:2020-07-22
DOI:10. 3969 / j. issn. 1009-1831. 2020. 06. 003
中文关键词: 单位GDP 能耗  单位GDP 电耗  分析  预判
英文关键词: energy consumption per unit of GDP  power consumption per unit of GDP  analysis  prediction
薛万磊 国网山东省电力有限公司 经济技术研究院济南 250021 
唐伟 国网能源研究院有限公司北京 102209 
徐楠 国网山东省电力有限公司 经济技术研究院济南 250021 
赵昕 国网山东省电力有限公司 经济技术研究院济南 250021 
李晨辉 国网山东省电力有限公司 经济技术研究院济南 250021 
单葆国 国网能源研究院有限公司北京 102209 
冀星沛 国网能源研究院有限公司北京 102209 
摘要点击次数: 1753
全文下载次数: 671
      In recent years, the level of energy efficiency in our country has been rising continuously, the energy and electricity consumption per unit of GDP have shown a downward trend. However, the two are not of the same frequency. The energy consumption has shown a continuous downward trend, while the electricity consumption has shown a downward trend of fluctuation, and the energy efficiency level of each province varies greatly. Firstly, the important policies and regulations of promoting energy efficiency in our country are sorted, the development of energy consumption and power consumption per unit of GDP in China and its provinces is analyzed , and the influencing factors of energy and power consumption per unit of GDP trend from different dimensions are analyzed. Then, the trend of several main factors affecting energy efficiency is analyzed, and the energy efficiency during the 14th five-year plan period is forecasted. The energy and power consumption per unit of GDP is expected to show a decline. Finally, some suggestions are put forward to increase the energy efficiency, such as promoting the electric-centered integrated energy system.
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