冯迎春,李雪松,范 洁,蒋 宇.考虑清洁能源消纳的源网荷储互动交易实践[J].电力需求侧管理,2020,22(6):69-74
Practice of the source⁃grid⁃load⁃storage interactive transaction considering clean energy consumption
投稿时间:2020-06-02  修订日期:2020-08-09
DOI:10. 3969 / j. issn. 1009-1831. 2020. 06. 014
中文关键词: 新能源消纳  电力市场  源网荷储互动  预测不确定性
英文关键词: renewable energy consumption  power market  source⁃grid⁃load⁃storage interaction  prediction uncertainty
冯迎春 江苏电力交易中心有限公司南京 210008 
李雪松 江苏电力交易中心有限公司南京 210008 
范 洁 江苏电力交易中心有限公司南京 210008 
蒋 宇 江苏电力交易中心有限公司南京 210008 
摘要点击次数: 3071
全文下载次数: 677
      Jiangsu power exchange center Co., Ltd. actively researches and develops the source network load storage interactive trading considering clean energy consumption from the perspective of provincial situation, network situation and market ecology. On the one hand, in view of the future development trend of power grid with the source-grid-load-storage interaction, the main market exchange demand is analyzed, then the source network load storage power market transaction platform architecture is put forward, and the functional module deployment is expounded. On the other hand, the Internet is used to collect large-scale and scattered clean energy, energy storage facilities and demand side resource trading demand. Based on the traditional main power market, a sinking market is proposed that meets the incentive compatibility principle and promotes the active and deep interaction of regional market entities, then three new interactive trading varieties of source grid load and storage are proposed, and an overbooking algorithm of air tickets is proposed. Carry-outs practice in Huai’an (Jinhu) and Suzhou, and organizes formal transaction and settlement.
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