张 禄,李香龙,朱 洁,陆斯悦,张宝群,马龙飞,陈少坤.基于张量分解的电网营销策略匹配算法研究[J].电力需求侧管理,2020,22(6):80-84
Research on matching algorithm of power grid marketing strategy based on tensor decomposition
投稿时间:2020-02-20  修订日期:2020-09-25
DOI:10. 3969 / j. issn. 1009-1831. 2020. 06. 016
中文关键词: 多属性特征  匹配算法  营销策略
英文关键词: multi⁃attribute characteristics  matching algorithm  marketing strategy
张 禄 国网北京电力科学研究院北京 100075 
李香龙 国网北京电力科学研究院北京 100075 
朱 洁 国网北京电力科学研究院北京 100075 
陆斯悦 国网北京电力科学研究院北京 100075 
张宝群 国网北京电力科学研究院北京 100075 
马龙飞 国网北京电力科学研究院北京 100075 
陈少坤 北京恒华龙信数据科技有限公司北京 100088 
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      In order to deeply explor the characteristics of power customers and accurately grasp the customers’service needs, refined marketing strategies for power customers are studied and formulated to improve customers’satisfaction. By combing the precision marketing theories, big data mining technology is adopted to analyze the basic behavior characteristics of customers, and a customer attribute index system that meets customer characteristics and marketing strategies is built. With the multi-attribute matching algorithm of tensor decomposition, the marketing strategy matching model of multi-attribute power customers based on tensor decomposition is constructed. An example analysis is carried out with 1 096 commercial customers of a power grid company. The results have important reference value for the power grid companies to carry out refined management work and differentiated services.
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