Diversified power demand block analysis and“source-network-load-storage”hierarchical partition balance model
投稿时间:2020-11-17  修订日期:2020-12-05
DOI:DOI:10. 3969 / j. issn. 1009-1831. 2021. 01. 003
中文关键词: 微电网  源网荷储一体化  多元化用电需求  分层分区平衡  配电系统网格化规划
英文关键词: microgrid  source⁃network⁃load⁃storage integration  diversified power demand for electricity  hierarchical partition balance  power distribution system block planning
杜佩仁 浙江大学 电气工程学院杭州 310027 
文福拴 浙江大学 电气工程学院杭州 310027 
刘艳茹 国网经济技术研究院有限公司北京102209 
张林垚 国网福建省电力有限公司 经济技术研究院福州 350012 
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      With the constantly increasing penetration of distributed generation, some problems such as the low comprehensive operation efficiency of the power system concerned, insufficient coordination among the so-called“source-network-load-storage”, and inadequate complementarity among various types of generators are becoming more and more significant. Implementing hierarchical partition balance of“source - network -load - storage”could address these problems.Under this background, according to the operation rules of a grid- connected microgrid, a diversified power demand block analysis method and a“source-network-load-storage”hierarchical partition balance model are presented, and related optimal design of the distribution network concerned addressed. The proposed method has been employed for actual distribution system planning, and the implementation results demonstrate that this method can effectively reduce the maximum load demand, improve the load profile of the whole system and the load rates of lines, reduce the scale of required network investment, realize coordinated development of“source - network - load- storage”, and finally improve the security and economics of the distribution system.
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