魏景东,张 耀,王建学,雍维桢.考虑综合需求响应的工业园区负荷管理方法[J].电力需求侧管理,2021,23(1):25-29
Industrial park load management method considering integrated demand response
投稿时间:2020-11-08  修订日期:2020-11-19
DOI:DOI:10. 3969 / j. issn. 1009-1831. 2021. 01. 006
中文关键词: 热电联供机组  负荷管理  工业园区  综合需求响应  热储能
英文关键词: combined heat and power units  load management  industrial park  integrated demand response  thermal storage
魏景东 陕西省智能电网重点实验室西安交通大学 电气工程学院西安 710049 
张 耀 陕西省智能电网重点实验室西安交通大学 电气工程学院西安 710049 
王建学 陕西省智能电网重点实验室西安交通大学 电气工程学院西安 710049 
雍维桢 陕西省智能电网重点实验室西安交通大学 电气工程学院西安 710049 
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      In order to reduce the energy bill of industrial park and improve its economic gains, an industrial park demand management approach considering the integrated demand response of combined heat and power units and thermal storage is proposed.Combined heat and power units can reduce not only the peak demand charge but also the energy charge under the two -part tariff policy by increasing their electricity outputs in peak-load periods.The thermal storage can efficiently utilize the waste heat provided by combined heat and power units and furtherly increase the flexibility of combined heat and power units. Numerical case studies validate the effectiveness of our proposed industrial park demand management method, demonstrating a significant reduction of thepeak demand charge through the integrated demand response of combined heat and power units and thermal storage.
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