王贤宁,邹 静,康 曦.昌赣高铁某牵引站的计量错误接线分析及处理[J].电力需求侧管理,2021,23(2):90-94
Analysis and treatment of measurement wiring mistakes at a traction station of Changgan high⁃speed railway
投稿时间:2021-01-05  修订日期:2021-02-02
DOI:DOI:10. 3969 / j. issn. 1009-1831. 2021. 02. 017
中文关键词: 高铁牵引站  平衡系统  计量回路  电量追补
英文关键词: high ⁃ speed rail traction station  balanced system  metering circuit  power recovery
王贤宁 国网江西省电力有限公司 赣州供电分公司江西 赣州 341000 
邹 静 国网江西省电力有限公司 赣州供电分公司江西 赣州 341000 
康 曦 国网江西省电力有限公司 赣州供电分公司江西 赣州 341000 
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全文下载次数: 509
      High-speed rail has become popular in China, but the power supply mode of the high-speed rail traction station is special, and its measurement and wiring error analysis and comparison of the three-phase load balancing system are obviously different. In order to grasp the difference, according to the characteristics of one phase of the high-speed railway traction station operating as a public phase and commutation of the transmission line, a phasor diagram analysis of the incorrect wiring of the metering circuit in a real case of a traction station of the Changgan high-speed railway is carried out, and the Ub, Uc reverse connection results in a huge difference between the power supply and the metered power on both sides. After correction, a total of 756,756 yuan of electricity loss during the wrong wiring period is compensated, which provides reference and reference for the electric power industry metering profession in the recovery of electricity at high-speed rail traction stations, which has universal significance.
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