arameter identification for static load model based on distribution network measurement data
投稿时间:2020-12-20  修订日期:2021-01-20
中文关键词: 静态负荷  参数辨识  负荷聚类  配电网  数据驱动
英文关键词: static load  parameter identification  load cluster  distribution network  data driven
杨坚 国网台州供电公司浙江 台州318000 
周正阳 国网浙江省电力有限公司杭州310007 
于杰 国网台州供电公司浙江 台州318000 
沈一鸣 浙江大学 电气工程学院杭州310027 
汪子晨 浙江大学 电气工程学院杭州310027 
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洪骋怀 国网台州供电公司浙江 台州318000 
摘要点击次数: 1507
全文下载次数: 598
      As the terminal user of power system, the model accuracy of power load has profound influence on the accuracy of power system operation analysis. In recent years, a large amount of steady-state data has been collected by measuring devices in distribution networks. How to realize the parameters identification for static load with these measured data becomes a new research problem. A static load parameters identification method based on distribution network measured data is proposed. Firstly, the measured active power data is clustered to obtain the similar load curves with similar load characteristic. Then, under the assumption that similar load characteristic corresponds to similar load parameters, a model for static load parameters identification is established, and solved by optimization algorithm to get the parameters of daily static load.Lastly, case studies demonstrate the feasibility and effectiveness of the proposed methodt extent.
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