Design of automatic demand response system for small and medium sized power users based on blockchain
投稿时间:2021-03-12  修订日期:2021-06-08
DOI:10. 3969 / j. issn. 1009-1831. 2021. 04. 018
中文关键词: 需求响应  区块链  智能合约  信息交互
英文关键词: demand response  blockchain  smart contract  information interaction
胡桐月 上海市智能电网需求响应重点实验室(上海电器科学研究所(集团)有限公司)上海 200063 
奚培锋 上海市智能电网需求响应重点实验室(上海电器科学研究所(集团)有限公司)上海 200063 
张少迪 上海市智能电网需求响应重点实验室(上海电器科学研究所(集团)有限公司)上海 200063 
田由甲 上海市智能电网需求响应重点实验室(上海电器科学研究所(集团)有限公司)上海 200063 
刘传忠 上海市智能电网需求响应重点实验室(上海电器科学研究所(集团)有限公司)上海 200063 
摘要点击次数: 1608
全文下载次数: 618
      Small and medium-sized power users are potential demand response resources with small single load capacity but large amount and strong power flexibility. A demand response system solution based on blockchain technology is designed, innovating the operation mode of demand response aggregator, and providing a feasible path for small and medium-sized users to participatein demand response events, so as to promote the development of demand response enterprise in the future. The scheme uses the block-chain technology to realize the depository and settlement services of demand response transaction data, to ensure that the demand response transaction data between aggregators and users cannot be tampered with, and the transaction process can be tracked, so as to improve the efficiency and credibility of evaluation and settlement.
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