杨 超,孙谊媊,王 勇,吴春燕,何 凯,汪 洋.国外典型调频辅助服务市场综述与启示[J].电力需求侧管理,2021,23(5):96-100
Review and enlightenment of foreign typical frequency regulation auxiliary service market
投稿时间:2021-05-17  修订日期:2021-06-21
DOI:10. 3969 / j. issn. 1009-1831. 2021. 05. 019
中文关键词: 调频辅助服务  产品类型  运行方式  价格及结算 机制
英文关键词: frequency regulation auxiliary service  product type  operation mode  price and settlement mechanism
基金项目:国网新疆电力有限公司科技项目(5230HQZ0 004R)
杨 超 国网新疆电力有限公司乌鲁木齐 830017 
孙谊媊 国网新疆电力有限公司乌鲁木齐 830017 
王 勇 国网新疆电力有限公司乌鲁木齐 830017 
吴春燕 北京清能互联科技有限公司北京 100084 
何 凯 北京清能互联科技有限公司北京 100084 
汪 洋 北京清能互联科技有限公司北京 100084 
摘要点击次数: 2389
全文下载次数: 721
      调频辅助服务对于维持系统频率稳定、保障系统 安全可靠运行具有重要意义。目前,我国调频辅助服务产品 类型简单,多采取固定价格结算,不利于调频资源的优化配 置。深入研究了美国 PJM、英国和北欧 3 大成熟电力市场的 调频辅助服务市场的产品类型、运行方式、价格及结算机制, 对比分析了上述 3 个典型调频辅助服务市场的特点。在此 基础上,结合国内实际情况,提出了对国内调频辅助服务市 场发展的建议,以期对国内调频辅助服务市场建设提供有益 借鉴。
      Frequency regulation auxiliary service is of great significance for maintaining the stability of the system frequency and ensuring the safe and reliable operation of the system. At present, the types of frequency regulation auxiliary service products in China are simple and fixed price settlement is mostly adopted, which is not conducive to the optimal allocation of frequency regulation resources. The product type, operation mode, price and settlement mechanism of the frequency regulation auxiliary service market in the three mature power markets of PJM in USA, the UK and Nordic are deeply studied, and the characteristics of the above three typical frequency regulation auxiliary service markets are compared and analyzed. On this basis, combined with the domestic actual situation, suggestions for the development of the domestic frequency regulation auxiliary service market are put forward, hoping to provide a useful reference for the construction of the domestic frequency regulation auxiliary service market.
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