蒋 燕,陈雨果,孙宇军,李秀峰,高道春,周 涵,吴 洋.美国PJM电力现货市场环境下需求响应机制分析与启示[J].电力需求侧管理,2021,23(6):96-100
Analysis and enlightenment of demand response mechanism under PJM electricity spot market
投稿时间:2021-09-18  修订日期:2021-10-13
DOI:10. 3969 / j. issn. 1009-1831. 2021. 06. 019
中文关键词: 需求响应  现货市场  电能量市场  辅助服务  市场机制
英文关键词: demand response  spot market  electricity market  ancillary service  market mechanism
蒋 燕 云南电力调度控制中心昆明 650011 
陈雨果 北京清能互联科技有限公司北京 100084 
孙宇军 北京清能互联科技有限公司北京 100084 
李秀峰 云南电力调度控制中心昆明 650011 
高道春 云南电力调度控制中心昆明 650011 
周 涵 云南电力调度控制中心昆明 650011 
吴 洋 云南电力调度控制中心昆明 650011 
摘要点击次数: 1903
全文下载次数: 2049
      The participation of demand response(DR)in electricity market trading can enhance the optimal allocation of electricity resources, promote the DR programs implemented sustainably,improve the price mechanism of electricity market, and reduce the risk of electricity market operation. The DR approaches and mechanism under PJM electricity spot market are concluded. The process of DR participating in day-ahead and real-time electricity market,ancillary service market is described, and the principles related with DR approaches and mechanism in electricity spot market is also analyzed. Finally, based on the spot market in our country, the influence of DR mechanism to market transaction and dispatching is analyzed and suggestions for DR program implementation is proposed as well.
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