方 兵,李琳玮,黄 亮,马立红,张佳艺,潘志伟.计及储能与电动汽车充电站的配电网经济运行研究[J].电力需求侧管理,2022,24(2):59-64
Research on economic operation of distribution network considering energy storage and electric vehicle charging station
投稿时间:2021-12-04  修订日期:2022-01-14
DOI:10. 3969 / j. issn. 1009-1831. 2022. 02 . 010
中文关键词: 经济调度  储能模型  充电站  二阶锥模型  交替方向乘子算法
英文关键词: economic dispatch  energy storage model  changing station  second⁃order cone model  ADMM
方 兵 海南电网有限责任公司海口 570203 
李琳玮 海南电网有限责任公司海口 570203 
黄 亮 海南电网有限责任公司海口 570203 
马立红 海南电网有限责任公司海口 570203 
张佳艺 海南电网有限责任公司海口 570203 
潘志伟 华南理工大学 自动化科学与工程学院广州 510640 
摘要点击次数: 1118
全文下载次数: 415
      电动汽车(electric vehicle,EV)与储能装置在电力系统中的渗透率不断提高,能够作为可调节资源参与配电网的优化调度。首先在潮流模型、储能运行模型、EV集群充电站模型的基础上建立了配电网经济调度模型,以网损最小化、储能与充电站充电成本最小化作为日前调度目标;其次,基于交替方向乘子算法(alternating direction method of multipliers,ADMM)设计了适用于该优化模型的主从结构分布式求解方案,以充分发挥配电网内资源的自主协调能力;最后基于33节点算例进行仿真,仿真表明了储能与充电站参与配电网调度对于储能运营商与配电网是双向收益的,且基于ADMM的分布式求解方案具有有效性。
      The penetration rates of electric vehicles and energy storage in the power system are increasing, and they can participate in the optimal dispatch of the distribution network as the deploy able resources. Firstly, based on the power flow model, energy-storage operation model and EV cluster charging station model, the economic dispatching model of distribution network is established.The goal of day-ahead dispatching is to minimize the network loss and the charging cost of energy storage and charging station. Secondly, a leader -followers distributed solution was designed based on ADMM to give full play to the autonomous coordination of re-sources in the distribution network. Finally, based on a 33-node ex-ample, the simulation results show that the energy storage and charging stations participating in the distribution network dispatching is a two-way benefit for the energy storage operator and distribution network, and the distributed solution based on ADMM is effective.
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