Demand response strategies of CAC based on global temperature adjustment and evaluation method
投稿时间:2022-01-08  修订日期:2022-01-08
DOI:10. 3969 / j. issn. 1009-1831. 2022. 03 . 006
中文关键词: 中央空调  全局温度调整  需求响应策略  工作效率  舒适度
英文关键词: central air-conditioner(CAC)  global temperature adjustment(GTA)  demand response strategies  work efficiency  comfort level
赵建立 国网上海市电力公司上海200030 
赵本源 电力传输与功率变换控制教育部重点实验室(上海交通大学)上海200240 
顾兆雄 国网上海市电力公司上海200030 
张沛超 电力传输与功率变换控制教育部重点实验室(上海交通大学)上海200240 
郭雁 国网上海市电力公司上海200030 
摘要点击次数: 1139
全文下载次数: 411
      商业楼宇中央空调系统是一类重要的需求响应资源。针对夏季削峰应用,提出了 3 种基于全局温度调整的中央空调需求响应策略,并设计了互动能力和考虑工作效率损失的用户净收益等两个评价指标。为精准预测中央空调的需求响应能力,采用 EnergyPlus 物理建模方法构建能耗预测模型。通过对上海市某商业楼宇建模仿真可知:3种策略能够在保证用户舒适度的前提下为电网提供不同的互动能力;利用考虑工作效率损失的用户需求响应收益模型,电网可以分析不同补偿价格对于中央空调用户的激励作用,同时用户可选择最佳需求响应策略和最优互动功率进行响应,以实现收益最大化。
      The central air-conditioners(CAC)in commercial buildings is an important kind of demand response(DR)resources.Taking peak-shaving in summer as the case, three DR strategies for CAC based on global temperature adjustment(GTA)are proposed,and two evaluation indicators are designed:interactive capability and user net income considering the loss of productivity.In order to achieve accurate DR prediction, EnergyPlus physical modeling method is used to build energy consumption prediction model. Simulation results of a commercial building in Shanghai show that:the proposed DR strategies can provide different interactive capabilities for the grid under the premise of comfort level. Using the pro-posed user net income model considering the productivity loss, the grid can analysis the impact of the compensation price on the CAC users, while users can choose the best DR strategy and optimal interactive power to obtain maximum net income.
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