Configuration schemes of photovoltaic energy storage for refrigeration system in a commercial building
投稿时间:2022-01-28  修订日期:2022-03-25
DOI:10. 3969 / j. issn. 1009-1831. 2022. 03 . 007
中文关键词: 制冷系统  蓄电池  冰蓄冷  屋顶光伏  优化配置
英文关键词: refrigeration system  storage battery  ice thermal storage  rooftop photovoltaic  optimal configuration
严玉廷 云南电网有限责任公司 电力科学研究院昆明650217 
张子昊 南方电网数字电网研究院有限公司广州518053 
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      针对夏季商业建筑制冷耗能较大、能效较低的问题,提出配置屋顶光伏协同不同储能设备的节能改造方案。首先,建立了改造制冷系统拟采用的几种核心设备数学模型,包括光伏组件、制冷机组、蓄电池和冰蓄冷;接着,建立了以经济性为目标的混合整数线性规划模型,提出 3 种节能改造方案,采用了商业建筑夏季典型日的电、冷负荷数据进行优化配置;最后,通过算例对所提 3 种方案的配置结果进行对比分析。结果表明,在商业建筑中配置光伏混合储能,将大大提高系统的经济性,此结果为商业建筑的节能改造方案选取提供了理论和数据支撑。
      Aiming at the problem of high energy consumption and low energy efficiency of commercial buildings in summer, energy-saving renovation schemes with rooftop photovoltaic and different energy storage equipment are proposed. Firstly, the mathematical models of several core equipment to be used in the renovation of the refrigeration system are established, including photovoltaic modules, refrigeration units, batteries and ice thermal storage. Secondly,the mixed-integer linear programming(MILP)model with economic objectives is established. Thirdly, the typical daily electricity and cooling load data of commercial buildings in summer are used to optimize the configuration of the three energy - saving renovation schemes. Finally, the energy - saving renovation schemes are optimized. The results of the three schemes are compared and analyzed which show that the economic efficiency of the system will be greatly improved by the configuration of photovoltaic hybrid energy storage in commercial buildings. And the results provide theoretical and data support for the selection of energy - saving renovation schemes of commercial buildings.
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