Monthly electricity sales forecasting of different industries based on similar month and Elman neural network model
投稿时间:2022-05-17  修订日期:2022-06-15
DOI:10. 3969 / j. issn. 1009-1831. 2022. 04 . 009
中文关键词: 售电量预测  历史相似月模型  Elman神经网络  灰色关联度
英文关键词: electricity sales forecasting  historical similar month model  Elman neural network  gray correlation
孙旺青 南京师范大学 南瑞电气与自动化学院南京 210023 
刘晓峰 南京师范大学 南瑞电气与自动化学院南京 210023 
何沁蔓 南京师范大学 南瑞电气与自动化学院南京 210023 
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      In order to increase the accuracy and improve the forecasting system of electricity sales, a combined forecasting model of Elman neural network combined with historical similar monthis proposed. Combined with the characteristics of rapid identification among historical data, a set of historical data similar to the forecasted month is found by analyzing and processing the detailed data and external influencing factors of electricity sales objects.This set of historical data is used as the input data of Elman neural network to complete the prediction of such sales objects. Then, the forecast data of each electricity sales object is combined to get the total monthly forecast electricity sales. The simulation result shows that compared with the single Elman neural network, the combined prediction method has higher prediction accuracy, better convergence performance and a good application prospect.
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