覃 晖,罗 超,包忠强,黄丽娟,李 悝,陈凌云.考虑远景约束的中长期用电量预测方法研究[J].电力需求侧管理,2022,24(4):59-66
Medium-long term electricity consumption prediction considering future scenario constraints
投稿时间:2022-04-21  修订日期:2022-05-28
DOI:10. 3969 / j. issn. 1009-1831. 2022. 04 . 010
中文关键词: 用电量预测  远景约束  Logistic函数  曲线拟合
英文关键词: power demand prediction  long-rang perspective constrained  Logistic function  curve fitting
覃 晖 广西电网有限责任公司南宁 530023 
罗 超 中国电力工程顾问集团 中南电力设计院有限公司武汉 430071 
包忠强 广西电网有限责任公司南宁 530023 
黄丽娟 广西电网有限责任公司南宁 530023 
李 悝 中国电力工程顾问集团 中南电力设计院有限公司武汉 430071 
陈凌云 中国电力工程顾问集团 中南电力设计院有限公司武汉 430071 
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      Electrical demand prediction is an important issue in power system planning. An improved electricity prediction method is put forward, which looks out the electricity consumption level in long term future first, then utilizes Logistic curve to fit the electricity consumption growth with saturation process. The future developing scenario constrains are taken into account in the parameter identification step of Logistic curve, which makes the curve beable to not only reflect the historical changing trend but also be in accordance with the future scenario. This method is applied to predict the electricity consumption of China and Guangxi Province in case studies respectively, and shows feasible and significant to other power demand prediction tasks.
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