闫秀联,王乐唯,刘 盼,吉星星,闫秀英.中央空调系统冷水机组优化控制策略研究[J].电力需求侧管理,2022,24(4):73-78
Optimal control of chillers for central air-conditioning systems
投稿时间:2022-05-11  修订日期:2022-06-07
DOI:10. 3969 / j. issn. 1009-1831. 2022. 04 . 012
中文关键词: 空调负荷  冷水机组  制冷性能系数-部分负荷率  改进混合遗传算法
英文关键词: air conditioning load  chiller  COP- PLR  improved hybrid genetic algorithm
闫秀联 西安建筑科技大学 华清学院西安 710043 
王乐唯 西安闻泰信息技术有限公司西安710000 
刘 盼 西安建筑科技大学 信息与控制工程学院西安 710055 
吉星星 西安建筑科技大学建筑设备与科学学院西安 710055 
闫秀英 西安建筑科技大学建筑设备与科学学院西安 710055 
摘要点击次数: 1430
全文下载次数: 325
      空调负荷已经成为我国夏季用电的主要负荷之一,而冷水机组是中央空调系统中消耗功率最大的部分。对于多台机组联合运行的系统,每台冷水机组常在部分负荷下运行。基于用户侧需求响应情况,采用多项式回归的方法建立了COP-PLR 4次多项式回归模型。以使冷水机组运行能耗最小建立目标函数,研究了改进混合遗传算法优化冷水机组PLR的控制策略,通过优化各台冷水机组的PLR以提高机组系统的整体COP。与原有控制方法对比,该典型日能耗减少了702 kW,节能率为8.48%,验证了该优化方法的可行性。
      Air conditioning load has become one of the main loads of summer electricity consumption in China, and chiller is the largest part of the central air conditioning system power consumption. For a system with multiple units operating together, each chiller often operates under partial load. Based on the user-side demand response, the quaternary polynomial regression model of COP-PLR is established by polynomial regression method. In order to minimize the operating energy consumption of the chiller, the objective function is established, and the control strategy of optimizing PLR of the chiller with improved hybrid genetic algorithm is studied.The overall COP of the chiller is improved by optimizing PLR of each chiller.Compared with the original control method, the typical daily energy consumption is reduced by 702 kW, and the energy saving rate is 8.48%, which verifies the feasibility of the optimization method.
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