梁 剑,胡剑宇,何红斌,李 娟,徐彬焜,肖雅元.引入可调度空间约束的电力系统优化调度模型[J].电力需求侧管理,2022,24(4):79-84
Power system optimal scheduling model with schedulable space constraints
投稿时间:2022-04-10  修订日期:2022-05-08
DOI:10. 3969 / j. issn. 1009-1831. 2022. 04 . 013
中文关键词: 电力系统调度  可调度空间  负荷增量比  混合粒子群算法  净负荷
英文关键词: optimize scheduling in power system  schedulable space  load increment ratio  hybrid particle swarm optimization  net load
梁 剑 国网湖南省电力有限公司长沙 410007 
胡剑宇 中国能源建设集团 湖南省电力设计院有限公司长沙 410007 
何红斌 国网湖南省电力有限公司长沙 410007 
李 娟 中国能源建设集团 湖南省电力设计院有限公司长沙 410007 
徐彬焜 国网湖南省电力有限公司 经济技术研究院长沙 410004 
肖雅元 国网湖南省电力有限公司 经济技术研究院长沙 410004 
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      The traditional power system optimization model usually use the inherent technical output of the thermal power unitas the output constraint of the unit, in actual operation, the unit’sdis patching output range is also affected by the net load and theunit’s output during the previous period, there is a large optimization space for output constraints. In order to effectively reduce the feasible range of unit output variables, a net load incremental indexis proposed, and the index and the output state of the unit in the previous period are used to determine the dispatch able space of eachunit. With the scope of schedulable space as a constraint, an improved dispatching model for improved power systems is established. A hybrid particle swarm optimization algorithm combining standard particle swarm optimization and simulated annealing algorithm is used. The example results show that the hybrid particles warm optimization algorithm can effectively improve the shortcomings of the standard particle swarm optimization algorithm to fall into the local optimum, and improve the accuracy of the model solution. In addition, compared with the traditional optimization scheduling model, the improved optimization scheduling model of power system that introduces schedulable space constraints, while ensuring the accuracy of the solution, the calculation amount is greatly reduced, and it is not easy to fall into a local optimum. the improved ideas and methods can also be applied to the optimization scheduling model of other energy systems.
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