左楠楠,高桂革,王 洋.公共建筑HVAC系统优化调度研究[J].电力需求侧管理,2022,24(5):102-107
Optimal scheduling of HVAC system in public building
投稿时间:2022-06-10  修订日期:2022-07-10
DOI:10. 3969 / j. issn. 1009-1831. 2022. 05. 017
中文关键词: HVAC系统  优化调度  公共建筑  智能电网
英文关键词: HVAC system  optimal scheduling  public building  smart grid
左楠楠 上海电机学院 电气学院上海 201306 
高桂革 上海电机学院 电气学院上海 201307 
王 洋 上海电机学院 电气学院上海 201308 
摘要点击次数: 792
全文下载次数: 273
      “双碳”目标使得智能电网中新能源渗透率快速增长,同时也要求智能电网中的公共建筑具备需求响应能力,而暖通空调(heating,ventilation and air conditioning,HVAC)系统能耗在公共建筑总能耗中的占比不容小觑。为了降低公共建筑能耗,同时达到“供随需动”的效果,首先针对公共建筑,对其能源系统、建筑热平衡和HVAC系统进行建模,在此基础上提出一种两阶段调度方案。日前调度阶段以最小建筑耗电成本为目标,同时保持建筑内的热舒适度,控制HVAC系统以得到最佳日前调度计划;在实时调度阶段以减少公共建筑正常运营期间的碳排放量为目标,配合完成优化调度方案。通过对实际公共建筑的仿真验证了新型优化调度方案的有效性和经济性。
      Achieving the goal of“carbon peak and neutrality”has led to a rapid increase in the penetration rate of clean energy in the smart grid, which also requires the public buildings in the smart grid to have the ability to respond to demand, and the load of heating, ventilation and air-conditioning(HVAC)systems cannot be underestimated in the total load of public buildings. For the sake of reducing the load of the public building and achieving the effect of “supply on demand”, first of all, for the public building, its energy systems, heat balance of the building and the HVAC system are modeled, and based on the model a two-stage scheduling scheme is proposed. The proposed scheduling scheme aims at minimizing the cost of building electricity consumption while maintaining indoor environmental comfort, and controls the HVAC system to get the best day-ahead scheduling plan. Then, in the real-time scheduling stage, the optimal scheduling scheme is completed with the goal of reducing the carbon emissions during the normal operation of the public building. The effectiveness and economy of the proposed new optimal scheduling scheme are verified by the simulation of an actual public building.
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