郑 亮,马道广,周 霞,戴剑丰.计及SSSC的高渗透率新能源电网静态电压稳定特征研究[J].电力需求侧管理,2022,24(6):50-56
Static voltage stability characteristics of high permeability new energy grid considering SSSC
投稿时间:2022-08-16  修订日期:2022-09-18
DOI:10. 3969 / j. issn. 1009-1831. 2022. 06. 009
中文关键词: 高渗透率新能源  电压稳定  潮流计算  静态同步串联补偿器
英文关键词: high permeability new energy  voltage stability  power flow calculation  SSSC
郑 亮 国电南瑞科技股份有限公司南京 211000 
马道广 南京邮电大学 先进技术研究院南京210023 
周 霞 南京邮电大学 先进技术研究院南京210023 
戴剑丰 南京邮电大学 自动化学院、人工智能学院南京 210023 
摘要点击次数: 846
全文下载次数: 260
      As large-scale wind power, photovoltaic and other new energy sources are connected to the power grid, new energy with high permeability gradually affects the safe and stable operation of the power system. Meanwhile, the static voltage problem becomes more prominent after the new energy is connected to the power grid due to the constraints of the grid characteristics of new energy sources and the security limitations of new energy equipment. The static voltage stability characteristics of high permeability new energy power grid system with static synchronous series compensator(SSSC)are discussed, and the power flow control efficiency of SSSC from the aspect of system static voltage characteristics is evaluated. Firstly, the equivalent circuit and working principle of SSSC are analyzed, and the power flow calculation equation is obtained based on the equivalent power injection model of SSSC.Secondly, based on the power flow calculation equation, a performance evaluation index is proposed to reflect the static voltage stability characteristics of the system, and the influence of different capacity of new energy on the static voltage stability characteristics, and the influence of SSSC on the static voltage stability characteristics of weak nodes after the integration of new energy into the power grid is calculated and analyzed. Finally, through simulation, it can be verified that the installation of SSSC can improve the voltage stability of weak nodes in the new energy grid and improve the safety and stability of the power system during operation. The method presented is quick and simple, and has certain engineering application value.
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