李 猛,吴伟杰,吴杰康,李红玲,张伊宁,李逸欣,郑敏嘉,孙 辉.考虑光伏的备用容量替代配置优化模型[J].电力需求侧管理,2023,25(2):15-22
Alternative allocation optimization model of reserve capacity considering photovoltaic
投稿时间:2022-12-05  修订日期:2023-02-11
中文关键词: 备用容量  光伏  优化替代  电量不足期望值  非线性整数规划
英文关键词: reserve capacity  photovoltaic  optimization alternation  expected energy not supplied  nonlinear integer programming
李 猛 广东电网有限责任公司 电网规划研究中心广州 510000 
吴伟杰 广东电网有限责任公司 电网规划研究中心广州 510000 
吴杰康 广东工业大学 自动化学院广州 510006 
李红玲 广东工业大学 自动化学院广州 510006 
张伊宁 广东电网有限责任公司 电网规划研究中心广州 510000 
李逸欣 广东电网有限责任公司 电网规划研究中心广州 510000 
郑敏嘉 广东电网有限责任公司 电网规划研究中心广州 510000 
孙 辉 广东电网有限责任公司 电网规划研究中心广州 510000 
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      在新能源环境下,负荷需求与新能源发电的不确定性对备用容量对提出了更高的要求,新能源与备用替代日益受 到 关 注 。 根 据 电 量 不 足 期 望 值(expected energy not supplied,EENS)与备用容量的关系,确定了电力系统备用总量,并采用优先分配方式在多类型的发电机组中分配备用容量。基于EENS与运行成本,构建光伏发电系统替代火电机组的综合替代效益评价指标,以综合替代效益评价指标的数值最小化为目标函数,构建考虑光伏发电系统替代火电机组参与备用运行的电力系统备用容量优化模型。并用分段线性理论对具有二次特性的目标函数进行线性化处理,采用分支定界算法求解构建的非线性整数规划问题。以IEEE-30系统作为实例,计算结果表明,光伏发电系统替代火电机组参与备用运行,可以降低综合替代效益及备用容量。
      In the new energy environment, the uncertainty of load demand and new energy power generation puts forward higher requirements for reserve capacity, and new energy and reserve replacement receive increasing attention. Based on the relationship between expected energy not supplied(EENS)and reserve capacity, total reserve capacity of the power system is determined and capacity is allocated among various types of generating units in a preferential way. Based on EENS and operation cost, the evaluation index of comprehensive substitution benefit of photovoltaic power generation system replacing thermal power units is constructed. The value of comprehensive substitution benefit evaluation index is minimized as the objective function, and the optimization model of backup capacity of power system considering the photovoltaic power generation system replacing thermal power units in backup operation was constructed. The piecewise linear theory is used to linearize the objective function with quadratic characteristics, and the branch-and-bound algorithm is used to solve the nonlinear integer programming problem. Taking the IEEE- 30 system as an example, the calculation results show that the photovoltaic power generation system replaces the thermal power unit in the standby operation, which can reduce the comprehensive substitution benefit and reserve capacity.
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