李 军,李 鑫.考虑碳交易的社区综合能源主从博弈运行优化策略[J].电力需求侧管理,2023,25(6):28-34
Operation optimal strategy of community integrated energy Stackelberg game considering carbon trading
投稿时间:2023-05-09  修订日期:2023-07-13
DOI:10. 3969 / j. issn. 1009-1831. 2023. 06. 005
中文关键词: 综合能源系统  主从博弈  阶梯型碳交易  粒子群算法  低碳
英文关键词: integrated energy system  Stackelberg game  ladder-type carbon trading  particle swarm optimization  low carbon
李 军 南京工程学院 电力工程学院,南京 211167 
李 鑫 南京工程学院 电力工程学院,南京 211167 
摘要点击次数: 382
全文下载次数: 172
      在我国双碳目标背景下,低碳化用能与能源革命迫在眉睫。在考虑社区综合能源发电商与用户竞价博弈的同时加入阶梯型碳交易机制,可满足经济性与低碳性要求。首先介绍了阶梯型碳交易机制和主从博弈模型,然后建立阶梯型碳交易的主从博弈模型,最后通过实际算例,利用CPLEX 求解器和粒子群算法对模型进行求解,验证了在主从博弈模型中合理的引入阶梯型碳交易机制可以有效降低碳排放。上述研究为发电商和用户的低碳经济运行提供了参考。
      Under the background of domestic double carbon target, low-carbon energy use and energy revolution is extremely urgent. In order to meet the requirements of economy and low carbon,bidding game between the community comprehensive energy generators and users is considered and ladder-type carbon trading is added. Firstly, ladder-type carbon trading and the stackelberg game are introduced. Then, Stackelberg game model under the ladder-type carbon trading is established. Finally, the model is solved by using CPLEX solver and particle swarm optimization algorithm through practical examples. It’s verified that ladder-type carbon trading in the stackelberg game model can effectively reduce carbon emissions. The above research provides reference for the low-carbon economic operation of power generators and users.
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