张程珂,刘会灯,朱渝宁,贾 凡,郭恒青,张金良.基于多特征分析提取的随机森林超短期光伏功率预测[J].电力需求侧管理,2023,25(6):50-56
Ultra-short-term photovoltaic power prediction for random forests based on multiple feature analysis and extraction
投稿时间:2023-05-05  修订日期:2023-07-23
DOI:10. 3969 / j. issn. 1009-1831. 2023. 06. 008
中文关键词: 光伏发电  功率预测  超短期负荷预测  随机森林  特征值分析
英文关键词: photovoltaic power generation  output prediction  ultra-short-term load prediction  random forest  eigenvalue analysis
张程珂 国网重庆市电力公司,重庆 400014 
刘会灯 国网重庆市区供电公司,重庆 400015 
朱渝宁 国网重庆市电力公司,重庆 400014 
贾 凡 华北电力大学,北京 102206 
郭恒青 华北电力大学,北京 102206 
张金良 华北电力大学,北京 102206 
摘要点击次数: 430
全文下载次数: 201
      PV penetration is steadily increasing with the large-scale utilization of new energy sources. Accurate PV power prediction can bring more benefits to grid enterprises. Based on this, a random forest prediction model with multi-feature analysis extraction is proposed for ultra-short- term PV power prediction.Firstly, the collected PV data is pre-processed to clean up the missing and duplicate values. Then, correlation analysis is performed on the influencing factors and factors with strong correlation are selected. Next, feature engineering is performed on the screened factors and the processed feature vector is used as input of the prediction model. Finally, the random forest prediction model is built and compared with BP, RBF and MLP models. Empirical results show that the model proposed has better fit and higher prediction accuracy, which is of certain guidance for PV prediction work.
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