李 震,韩林阳,李庆生,惠恒宇,朱永清,张 彦,张兆丰.送端电网省份开展需求响应的现状分析及建议[J].电力需求侧管理,2023,25(6):69-75
Analysis and suggestion of demand response in the provinces of sending-end grids
投稿时间:2023-06-22  修订日期:2023-08-03
DOI:10. 3969 / j. issn. 1009-1831. 2023. 06. 011
中文关键词: 需求响应  新能源发电  送端电网省份  电网调节能力  电力交易
英文关键词: demand response  new energy generation  provinces of sending- end grids  power grid regulation capability  electricity trading
李 震 贵州电网有限责任公司 电网规划研究中心,贵阳 550003 
韩林阳 浙江大学 电气工程学院,杭州 310027 
李庆生 贵州电网有限责任公司 电网规划研究中心,贵阳 550003 
惠恒宇 浙江大学 电气工程学院,杭州 310027 
朱永清 贵州电网有限责任公司 电网规划研究中心,贵阳 550003 
张 彦 贵州电网有限责任公司 电网规划研究中心,贵阳 550003 
张兆丰 贵州电网有限责任公司 电网规划研究中心,贵阳 550003 
摘要点击次数: 243
全文下载次数: 112
      Provinces of sending- end grids not only need to balance its internal high growth load and new energy resources, but also meet the demand for the external transmission. Therefore, the lack of adjustment ability of the electricity exporting regions challenges the operation economy and stability. Demand response is an important technology to provide more regulation ability for power systems, which can effectively minor the peak- valley difference and relieve the tension of the power supply. At present, demand response in China has been carried out in many electricity importing regions, but the electricity exporting regions carrying out demand response are still few. Aiming at the above problems, the necessity of demand response in electricity exporting regions is analyzed from four aspects:rapid load growth, a high proportion of new energy generation, the risk of power supply shortage, and inter-provincial power transmission and trading. Suggestions are put forward from three aspects:development path of market supporting mechanism, demand response scheme considering regional characteristics, and emergency demand response planning, which can provide advice and guidance for the development of demand response in electricity exporting regions.
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