陆旦宏,李思琦,杨 婷,王玉莹,查云龙,倪敏珏.中央空调负荷精细化调控双层优化技术研究[J].电力需求侧管理,2024,26(1):23-30
Research on refined regulation for two-layer optimization technology of central air-conditioning load
投稿时间:2023-09-09  修订日期:2023-11-18
DOI:10. 3969 / j. issn. 1009-1831. 2024. 01. 004
中文关键词: 中央空调负荷  双层优化  精细化调控  建筑湿热标度模型  蚁群算法  Shapley值法
英文关键词: central air-conditioning load  two-layer optimization  refined regulation  humidity and heat scale model  ant colony  Shapleyvalue method
陆旦宏 南京工程学院 电力工程学院南京 211167 
李思琦 南京工程学院 电力工程学院南京 211167 
杨 婷 南京工程学院 电力工程学院南京 211167 
王玉莹 南京工程学院 电力工程学院南京 211167 
查云龙 南京工程学院 电力工程学院南京 211167 
倪敏珏 南京工程学院 电力工程学院南京 211167 
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      Aiming at the problem that the extensive regulation of the current central air-conditioning system cannot accurately release the potential of regulation, a technical scheme for refined regulation and control of central air-conditioning load is proposed based on bilevel optimization after elaborate analysis of the operating principle and accommodation mode of each subsystem of central air-conditioning.Firstly, a upper-level control model based on the objective function of comfort and economy optimization is established. Secondly, it is supposed to establish the optimization objective function of amenity and economy, and allocate the temperature and humidity setting points by the Shapley value method. Then, a lower regulation mode aiming at the lowest energy consumption of the optimal combination of subsystems is established, and ant colony algorithm is used to solve the optimization objective function. Then, by solving bilevel optimization, the refined regulation strategy including end fan, chilled water pump and chiller is formulated. Finally, numerical examples are used to verify the correctness and feasibility of the proposed technical scheme for refined regulation.
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