李 宁,侯素颖,袁 婷,薛云耀.基于输配电价的用户定价策略选择模型的构建[J].电力需求侧管理,2024,26(2):107-112
Construction of user pricing strategies selection model based on transmission and distribution tariffs
投稿时间:2023-09-15  修订日期:2023-12-10
DOI:10. 3969 / j. issn. 1009-1831. 2024. 02. 017
中文关键词: 输配电价  定价策略  单一制电价  两部制电价  策略选择
英文关键词: transmission and distribution tariffs  pricing strategies  flat-rate tariff  two-part tariff  strategy selection
李 宁 国网浙江省电力有限公司 杭州市临安区供电公司,杭州 311300 
侯素颖 国网浙江省电力有限公司,杭州 310007 
袁 婷 国网浙江省电力有限公司,杭州 310007 
薛云耀 国网浙江省电力有限公司,杭州 310007 
摘要点击次数: 259
全文下载次数: 128
      The National Development and Reform Commission has recently issued the provincial-level transmission and distribution tariffs for the third regulatory period and adjusted the scope of the two-part tariff implementation, granting eligible users the choice to adopt either a single flat-rate tariff or a two-part tariff pricing strategy. However, the selection of a pricing strategy that is more economically viable has become a challenge for electricity consumers. For this, the key factors influencing the selection of pricing strategies for users based on the current transmission and distribution tariffs and relevant electricity cost calculation rules are analyzed. By defining relevant parameters as variables and calculating the economic critical curve of pricing strategies based on the existing transmission and distribution tariffs, a model for comparing and selecting pricing strategies for transmission and distribution tariffs is constructed. The model is validated using typical user scenarios, providing a feasible solution for users to scientifically and rationally choose pricing strategies for transmission and distribution tariffs.
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